“T” Day!

Jul 1st – Today is T-day!

We started the countdown almost 3 months ago, and finally the day has arrived!

We prepare to leave the dock and stuff the last things in place. Wim takes a look at the engine’s revs counter. Perhaps a loose wire? But no, all wires are in place, the alternator (where the counter gets its signal from) seems to be fine and the clock itself seems to be fine. So, this is strange. While puzzling through all the wires behind the engine panel, Wim notices a small relay that is wired to the revs counter via the circuit board. That’s the start inhibit relay, preventing starting while the engine already runs. Hm. Could it have to do something with that? Yesterday, when we had to start the engine many times trying to bleed the air from the diesel system, we noticed that sometimes the starter didn’t run when we turned the key. Now, this is worrying. What if the engine doesn’t start when we really need it?

We decide to wait and solve this first. We have a good habit of not leaving the dock with things that don’t work reliable. Wim phones the alternator specialist but he has no idea. Bring the alternator for testing, he says. Well, that’s easier said than done… They are 30km’s away and we don’t have a car anymore… Besides that, the alternator seems to be functioning normally. So, Wim phones the engine supplier. They have no idea either. Next phone the Dutch Solé distributer. The technician that knows all about the electrical systems of these engines is not there. We write an email to him and will have to wait his answer. The same email goes to the Solé factory in Spain. We’ll have to wait the answers…

In the meantime, we install the temporary joystick for the bow thruster. We’re waiting a much smaller joystick but that hasn’t arrived yet.

And we spend the rest of day stowing stuff. The weather is cloudy and rainy so, that is a good day for that, instead of sailing in the rain 😉

Jul 2 – One Last Step Then… Off We Go!

No answers yet, to our questions about the revs counter.

We decide to make a safe workaround for the starter by using an unused button on the console. This overrides everything and powers the starter directly. We don’t want to depend on electronics, especially when they’re not 100% reliable! Our Mitsubishi engine runs without any electronics and that makes it so safe and reliable.

It is so handy to have all parts (switches, wires, cable lugs, labels) and tools on board!

This modification is done within half an hour 🙂

By the time we have this done, the rain has stopped and we can get ready to sail away!

Farewell Koudum!!!

2 responses to ““T” Day!”

  1. Wim Avatar

    sometimes you have to go your own way and overrule electronics

  2. Captain Lexi Avatar

    I love this story, because this is so quintessentially what sailing is about. Things constantly break or go wrong and you have to adapt and overcome. Your wonderful team and wise thoughtful Captain did exactly that. Adapt and overcome, backup plans to the backup plans.

    You guys will do well out there, strong team.

    hugs love and kindness from far away… 🙂

    Captain Lexi

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