Thanks to Lovesail.com, a crewing, dating and social-networking website for people passionate about sailing, two avid sailors and full-time live-aboard cruisers from different countries halfway around the world (who were otherwise unlikely to have ever met), found each other. And so began the journey to share love and life, and fulfill their dreams together!

Meet Wim…

I’ve been sailing since I was a young boy. Here, on a self-built ‘sailing boat’ made from chunks of trees with a big towel as a sail on lake in Switzerland.

Lived on my motor barge for many years and navigated the rivers and canals from the Netherlands and Belgium.

Living on board of Dione IV since 2007.
Living on the boat is an intense feeling of freedom. I am a wanderer, my mother calls me a freebooter 🙂 I never stay in one place for long. I find it a comfortable feeling to be a guest somewhere rather than a resident.
I’m an engineer with many skills. I’m partially retired; I only take on projects that I enjoy doing and have time for. Mostly electrical engineering. On yachts, but on land as well (energy storage systems). Needless to say that Dione IV has a state-of-the-art energy system (lots of solar energy) and top-notch electronics.

Meet Sher…

I’ve always loved the ocean, and some of my happiest memories from childhood were cruising with my Grandparents on their motorboat, the Golden Key. This is how my love of cruising and living on a boat began, and sailing as a lifestyle rather than simply a hobby, took root.

Hi, I’m Sher… also known as “Savvy Sailing Girl”. I’m a sailor, ocean dweller and world traveler, writer and creative spirit. I’ve been a cruising “nomad” and have been sailing around the world since 2012, when I sold my condo, car, furniture, and everything else that didn’t fit into a few suitcases and travel bag. I even took my branding, marketing, and communications consulting business along with me on the high seas and worked whenever I was in port.

Prior to that, I sailed part time for an additional 8 years, from San Francisco up to the Pacific northwest coast and on to Alaska, while still deeply immersed in my workaholic, high-tech, and high-energy corporate career.

During the covid pandemic, and coincidentally just 2 months after deciding to retire fully, I created the www.SavvySailingGirl.com website. My goal was to inspire, encourage and assist others in embarking on their own next great adventure – whether sailing, cruising, or any other expression of joyful living. Through travelogues and information from my own cruising experiences, as well as expertise drawn from my life, education and career in engineering, marketing and management, I share stories, photos, ideas, and recommendations.
Now, with great joy and appreciation, along with a good amount of preparation, we’re heading out on this wonderful adventure, sailing off into the sunset onboard Dione IV… both our home and magic carpet, transporting us around the world wherever the winds and inspiration take us.
… and then there’s Badger

A good sailor, and quite the rascal, Badger can be a bit cynical and has a huge appetite for such a little guy. Don’t leave chocolate or cookies unsupervised, as they will be be gone in no time and without a trace. Also, port wine must be kept under lock and key, but is that really because there’s a Badger on board?